Tech. Science. Politics. Now.
Tag - Technology
Netflix A Fallen Hero? Comcast Deal Washes Net Neutrality (commentary)
Alfred Poor: The Eye Tribe for Android, Eye Track Your Phone (deep dive)
Big Data Meets Big Dating
HTC Trolls Samsung Galaxy S5
Robert Tercek: WhatsApp, Facebook, and the Next Billion
MWC 2014: EyeVerify Eye Vein Biometrics Meets AirWatch (anaysis, video)
Steve Wozniak: “Too Bad They Forgot the Engineer”
Todd Townsend: Magellan Echo Sports Watch, iPhone Streaming and Control
Nintendo’s “Blood Games” Use War Metals From War-torn Countries
Dolby Atmos, Moonbot Studios: “SILENT” Debuts
Bitcoin Exchange DDoS Attacks: Regulation vs Freedom
Geek Love: What Not to Do on Valentine’s Day
When the Lights Go on in the City
The Day We Fight Back NSA Protest: 20 NSA PRISM FACTS
Ninety Years of Drum Solos: 11 Pieces of Eight (videos)
ION Audio: Redefining Audio, Vinyl and Cassette Comeback (video)
TEDxBerkeley 2014: Looking Back at 12 Top TED Talks (videos)
Jerry Pournelle: No Child Left Behind? History Lessons from Chaos Manor
Alfred Poor: A Closer Look at Xi3 Modular Computers (video)
Digital Learning Day 2014: K-12 Kids, Tech and You
FBI NSA PRISM: How Much Content US Nabs via Microsoft, Google, Yahoo Accounts
Larry Press: 1984 Apple Super Bowl Ad, Early Mac Reviews Here
Tom Sloan Cartoon: Speech Recognition? Pa-Leez!
Kerry Kinsey: Rolling Out the 2014 eFlow Electric Bike Lineup (video)
NASA Cold Atom Lab: Building the Coolest Place in the Universe
Wedding Crashers: Drones and No Medals for Dirty War Reality
3D Printing: Art or Technology? An Interview with Joshua Harker
The Cyber State: NSA Trains CryptoKids, Tracks Angry Birds, Parents Spy
What’s Next with Wearable Computing?
Meet Pat Meier-Johnson: Senior Commentator at aNewDomain
The Radio Search Engine: A New Twist to Old Media
Unlikely Hero Netflix Leads Net Neutrality Fight-Obama Support
Alfred Poor: How New CIGS-based EnerPlex Solar Panels Work (analysis)
My First Mac: Winning Essays Here (Contest for iWoz Book, Media Creds)
Microsoft to Non-US Customers: Store Data Offshore, Off NSA Grid (analysis)
Ted Rall Cartoon: On Freaky Amazon Anticipatory Shipping
Silicon Titans Worried about Obama Policies, Internet Balkanization
Google Glass Explorer Eric Finkenbiner: Cambodia #Throughglass
Ted Rall: Obama NSA Speech Transcript, Deconstructed
Ted Rall on NSA Quantum: Please Tell Me the NSA Is Lying
Facebook and New Trending: We Know What You Were Thinking!
Chris Miller: Geonaute 360 Video Camera (Hands-On Preview)
Midnight at the Oasis: Tech Gear for a Sahara Safari (video)
News Republic 4.0 for Android, Apple iOS: Free, Smart and Out Now
What Type is Your Phone? A Conversation with Steve Matteson
Sex Bots and Robotics: Why a Droid is My Next Girlfriend
CES 2014: The Aftermath, a Journalist Reports (roundup)
Texas Instruments DLP: Old Chipset, New Tricks, Futuristic Products
A Home Away From Search: Why Google Bought Nest
NSA: You Probably Think This Post is About You
Sandy Berger: CES 2014 Best Displays, Best Smartphones, Best Tech Gallery
Precision Guided Firearms Don’t Scare Me, Skynet Does (specs, video)
CES 2014: Oculus Rift VR Doesn’t Make ME Sick (hands-on preview)
CES 2014: Weary Retinas? Reticare Debuts Mobile Ocular Shield
CES 2014: Need an Escape? Avegant Glyph Take Me Away (preview)
CES 2014: Xi3 Modular Computing for Gaming — and Enterprise (analysis)
CES 2014: Chevy Launches 4G LTE Connected Cars for 2015
CES 2014: FLIR Thermal Imaging, Get Your Amateur Mythbuster On
CES 2014: Gtech Air Ram Cordless Ultra Light Vacuum (video)
CES 2014: Ford and Domino’s Pizza Announce In-Dash Ordering (video)
CES 2014: Cambrios ClearOhm Silver Nanowire Advances Touch (video)
CES 2014: HMDs and the Battle for the Last Yard
CES 2014: Wearable Tech and the New You
CES 2014: MakerBot Moves Upmarket, Unveils 3D Printers
CES 2014: State of the CES Nation? Good, Blah, Chinese
CES 2014 Best of Innovation Winners: Tech Gear, Gadgets (roundup)
CES 2014 Innovation Awards: Vuzix V720 HD Video Headphones
Brains and Helmets on Fire: Singularity, the Transhuman Hope (infographic)
Artist David Hockney’s Palette: the iPad
Edward Snowden: Mission Accomplished-NYT Call for Amnesty (video, analysis)
Christmas Special: Total War Shogun 2 Review
New MHealth Apps: Security and Risk Management (infographic)
Google Chromecast Update, New Google Play Edition Devices from Sony, LG
Has Moore’s Law Reached Its Final Days?
Social Engineering: The New Face of Security Breaches
Synbio: Nano-Robots are Coming, Do You Really Want to Live 150 years? (infographic)
Bob Dylan and Interlude: Like a Rolling Stone (analysis)
CES 2014 Preview: Inside the Neptune Pine Smartwatch (specs, video)
Paul Braren and Alfred Poor: MS Flight Simulator Dreaming (video)
Expressions of Fear and Hope Follow Publication of Latest World Web Index
Ted Rall: NSA versus Tech Economy, Cost-Benefit Analysis
Freeware Friday: Secunia PSI
Small Data >/= Big Data
Android Kit Kat, Google Helpout, Microsoft Mojo: Yet Another Tech Show
China Dream: How the US Will Help Make China Richer, Greener
The Freedom Act: Three Monkeys of See No Evil, Hear No Evil vs NSA
Meet Demetrius Mandzych: Consumer Tech Editor at
Five Ways to Increase Productivity While Using Microsoft Word
Ten Mega Corporations Predict Your Shopaholic Addictions (infographic)
Gates Criticizes Zuckerberg on the Best Way to Save the World
Floating Cities and Tech Utopias (aNewDomainTV)
TrAction Painting: A Bicycle Built For Hue
Why and How to Reclaim Your Name (analysis, infographic)
Mike Elgan: How and Why Silicon Valley Should Buy Out the US Government
Removable Flash Memory: Interview with Inventor Steve Brightbill
Don’t Let Big Data Pass You By
Ted Rall: My Fake French Birthplace and the NSA
Hacker Hunters in Demand: Analysis, Infographic
Bitcoin Security Loopholes: Analysis
Lamont Wood: Future of Computing Revealed
Dread Pirate Roberts and The Silk Road
How Businesses Fake Online Reviews
Mike Elgan: Food Fight!
The iPhone 5s Leaps Ahead, If You Build It, They Will Come
The New Apple iOS 7, Ideology and the Future
CBS 60 Minutes Broadcast on Facial Recognition
Meet Raquel Cool: Senior Editor at
Amazon Kindle Fire Refresh, Google Hashtags: Yet Another Tech Show
NSA Wins Crypto Battle, Loses War for Democracy: Jobs’ 1984 Vision
Alfred Poor: OLED Ceasefire, LG and Samsung Drop Patent Suits (analysis)
Ted Rall: US Loves Its Corpses, Why Not Make Organ Donation Law?
This Week in Tech with Leo Laporte: New Apple iPhones, NFC
Google + edX =
Classroom Tech: How DonorsChoose Works To Get Teachers Tech Fast
How To Install Adobe Flash Player on Android 4.1 and Higher
Love Tech: Cuddle Mattress and Weirder, Even Cushier Ideas
IFA 2013: TI DLP Tech Brightens Mobile Displays (analysis)
MS CEO Ballmer with Nokia Chair: Conquerer with Defeated Man (image gallery)
Roadblock: Self-Driving Cars Face Legal, Liability and Lavish Price Hurdles
How to Protect Your Face in Facebook, The Rebellion and Tag Suggest Hazards infographic
Cassandra Chin: On Creative Marketing vs Big Data
Five Big Data Tips: How to Be Your Company’s Huge Data Set Trailblazer
NSA: LOVEINT Means Always Having to Say You’re Sorry (Ted Rall)
Gollum Silicon Valley NSA PRISM Money Ties, Kim Dotcom Puts NZ Hobbits On the Case
Technology — Where Do We Draw the Line?
I Knew Gates and He Was No Steve Ballmer, MS CEO Resignation Letter, Commentary
UK Watch: Test Driving Autonomous Cars, Trials Begin This Year
Groklaw Goes Dark Because of NSA Surveillance, Who Will Go Down Next?
Small Business Networks: A How-to on Upgrading
For Media Advertising Campaigns, Kpsule Can’t be Beat
U.S. Security Industry Fears Cost of Billions — PRISM Effect on Cloud Export.
Amazon’s Bezos Buys the Washington Post, Moto X Fights Back: Yet Another Tech Show
How To Optimize Your Hard Disk in Windows 8 (gallery)
Loyalty 3.0: How Big Data Cultivates Customer Loyalty (book review)
Heins Says IT Tablets are Dead, Ant Pruitt Asks What’s He Smoking
Bezos Confirms Future Plans For Washington Post , Daily News Disruptions to Follow
Obama Promises and the Internet of Things: How Your Toaster Will Spy On You In the Future.
Not as Easy as ABC: The Pros and Cons of Mobile Tech in Schools
Protect Your Data and Communications with Cryptocat
On Beauty and the Geek VS She++ IT Girls: She-Geeks STEM Infographic
Ted Rall: On PRISM and Passwords, Why Aren’t Americans Freaking?
Chromecast: What I’ve Been Waiting For
Amazon Suing CIA-Follow the Money- $600 Million
Technology Run Amok: Techno Shock Films, Part II
Chandler Harris: How Social Task Management Tools Rock
Doug Engelbart: A Tribute
PRISM: Hut One vs. Hut Two, WWII Era Bletchley Park Revisited
PRISM Prison? Chrome, Firefox Plug In HTTPS Everywhere, review
Technology Run Amok: Top 11 Techno Shock Films of all Time
Ted Rall: U.S. Postal Service Mail Scanning Project, Party Like It’s 1984
Viki Reed: On Rental Photo Booths vs Photographers
Wearable Tech: Happiness is a Warm Hug Shirt
UniKey, a New Lock at Your Fingertips
Viki Reed: Kick these Kickstarters, Please
Hearts of Iron III Review
The Sony RX100 II: Worth $750? Russ Johnson Previews
Ted Rall: Ten Things You Probably Don’t Know About PRISM
Web-based Temp Agency Gigwalk Provides Flexible and Inexpensive Labor for Entrepreneurs
How PRISM Works, How the FBI and NSA Will Organize Your Private Data
Ted Rall PRISM Takeaway: Are We Citizens or Serfs? Should Obama Resign? commentary
Mike Rothman Reviews: LogMeIn for Home and Biz
Nanobiology, New Tech and a 30-second Recharge
Tim Downs: Adobe Creative Cloud Review, War on You
Data Dealer Puts Your Data Value in Perspective, NSA PRISM in Reverse
On TOR and Online Privacy Rule No. 1: Get Smart
The Rise and Fall of Moore’s Law: Integrated Circuits Move Forward
The Gathering Cloud(s) of Creative Destruction
DOJ-FTC Patent Troll Investigation, FTC Section 6B PAE Study News, All Coverage
Data Privacy: A Right? Steve Wozniak Weighs In, Snowden Whereabouts Unknown
Replacing the Virtual Meeting: Online Collaboration Tools roundup
Google Buys Waze: Taking the Road Less Traveled
Schmidt and Google’s PRISM Dilemma
NSA PRISM Program: Laporte, Jarvis, Pundits React; Leaker ID, UK Parodies
Dino Londis: Intel Haswell Chip for Win 8 Devices, Haswell vs. Sandy Bridge (analysis)
Security Holes Galore: Terminal Server IT Slacking Risks Infrastructure Hacking
Ed Tech with Buzz Garwood: Why I Love Lynda ( review)
Ouya’s Dead, But Its Beyond the Grave Message Hits Home in 2017
White House Report on Patent Trolls: Report, Video Here
Aereo: Doomed Like Napster or the Next Frontier? Analysis
In Cloud We Trust: Why the Bloomberg Snoopgate Affair Matters
Pikinis for iOS: On Rating Bikini Photos, Madison Andrews Comments
3D Printing Solar Cells Video and News Analysis, Future Power
Meet Tim Downs: Award-Winning Illustrator, Columnist,
David Michaelis: Insourcing, Why H-1B Visas Matter (analysis, infographic)
Richard Hay: On Winning the Carmack Prize, How AeroPac Did It, Details
Dino Londis: The New Obsolescense and Accelerating Moore’s Law
Meet Chuck Ward: Senior Contributor,
CERN Reposts First Website, Berners-Lee Original Web Proposal Here
Seth Heringer: Why Ubuntu Smartphones Won’t Take Off
Android Smartphone Satellites: NASA Launches Nexus One PhoneSats
On Skynet, Human Extinction: Oxford Prof Fears For Future of Humanity
Android vs Apple iOS in China: Tech 411 Todd Moore and Oscar Santana
Earth Day 2013: How to Recycle Electronics, Tech Toy Poison Fixes
US DOJ FTC Patent Troll Probe: Google, Microsoft, Academic, Public Comments (analysis)
Social Media in Emergency Management: The Digital Public Information Officer
Viki Reed: Top Tech Movies, Tech Run Amok Part I
How Does Google Fiber Work? Optical Fiber infographic
Google Fiber Austin: The Ideal Second Stop (commentary)
Reverse Lookup for Android: Freeware Friday
Forty Year Mobile Phone Anniversary: Motorola DynaTAC, History of the Mobile Phone infographic