— It’s been a long time since I thought a desktop computer looked sexy. Sure, there are those gaming machines with more neon and hydraulic hoses than a tricked out L.A. lowrider. Frankly, they never did much for me. But then I came across the stacks of shiny metal cubes from Xi3. Check out the Xi3 modular computers in my video below. Find more on this cool tech below the fold.
Video: Alfred Poor for aNewDomain/producer Justin Webb for aNewDomainTV
We all know that computers get ever smaller. We carry smartphones in our shirt pockets — computers that are more than a magnitude more powerful than our desktop systems of just five or 10 years ago. The difference with a desktop system is that it’s not forever. Unlike a smartphone, you can add or switch out components as your needs change or the technology advances.

The X7A computer from Xi3 fits in the palm of your hand but can match the power of a tower desktop computer. Image credit: Xi3
That’s what makes the Xi3 computers so wonderfully cool. You slide on extra storage modules as you need them, or you can even take them apart and install tiny expansion cards to get a new processor or graphics adapter or whatever you need. And the whole thing is so small that you can stash it out of sight on the back of your monitor or hanging off your desk or wherever you might want to hide it.
But I wouldn’t hide mine. I’d leave it out in the open where I can admire its clean lines.
You can also check out Ant Pruitt’s story on the Xi3.
For, I’m Alfred Poor.
Based in bucolic Bucks County PA, Alfred Poor is a senior technologist here at A 30-year tech journalism vet, he’s internationally renowned for his coverage of displays. He is easily distracted by shiny, sparkly gadgets and that’s why he is covering consumer tech for us, too. Contact Alfred at, follow him @AlfredPoor and find the +Alfred Poor Google+ stream here. Alfred also is a professional speaker, a bluegrass musician and a sailor. Check out his LinkedIn profile for more.