Tech. Science. Politics. Now.
Tag - Technology
OnHub: Why Is Google Bothering With A $200 WiFi Router?
What Writing And Launching Satellites Have in Common
App of the Day: Visme Presentation Software
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Takes on Symphony
Why The B1 Bomber Should Still Scare The Crap Out Of You
How To Upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 [gallery]
Ted Rall LA Times Scandal: Times Trampled Own Ethics Policy. Why?
Ted Rall LAPD LA Times Scandal: Why Didn’t Editors Investigate The Bad LAPD Tape?
How To Set Up Multiple Tabs in Microsoft Edge [gallery]
Genius Pack Intelligent Travel Backpack: Best. Backpack. Ever. [review]
Windows 10: Installation Was A Breeze [review]
Wozniak, Musk, Hawking Among 1,000 Voices Urging Autonomous Weapons Ban
Sandy Berger: Top Ten Reasons To Upgrade to Windows 10
Upgrading? Check Out These New Features in Windows 10
How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10
Online Ratings: Hey, I’m A College Prof. I’m Not McDonalds
App of the Day: Zillow Mortgage Calculator for Android, iOS
Blue Marble, Pluto and Space Sounds: NASA’s On A Roll
US Trade Restrictions with Cuba: Larry Press’ Draft Testimony Here
Oh, Yum: Your Stem Cell Burger Is Just About Ready
Cuba Wi-Fi Access Plan: A Fiber Backbone Outline?
How To Turn Off Video Autoplay in Twitter And Facebook
Amazon Prime Day Deals: Shopping As A Game
Broom Vs Robotic Sweeper: Deebot D35 Review
David Michaelis: Why Tech Companies Scare Me Sometimes
Randi Zuckerberg: Why Your Kids Need A Digital Detox
Time Warner Robocalls Settlement: A New Business Model!
Online Dating: 3 Tips for Success
DarkNet Rising: On Surveillance, Secrecy and Privacy
Space Race Heats Up: Airbus to Make Satellites for OneWeb
Amazon Echo: Hey, Alexa? Is This Thing Any Good? [review]
Why I’d Give An Organ To Get Rid Of These Damned Wires
Sick of Ingress? You’re Doing It Wrong!
HeadTrainer for Android/iOS: App of The Day
cPro Craigslist Free Client for Android: App of The Day
Everyday Items Dirtier Than A Toilet Seat? You Bet
This Bearded Hipster Is The New CEO of Twitter. Probably.
Freeware Friday: Write or Die 2
Fast, Nutritious Meals to Your Door: Sprig Review
Freeware Friday: MLB At Bat Review
Facial Recognition Wars: AI Never Forgets A Face
Skreddy Kusanagi Fuzz Pedal: New Dirt from Old Times Past
Sandy Berger: Motorola Droid Turbo Review
The Hubble Space Telescope Celebrates 25 Years of Science
EXCLUSIVE: The Apple Watch Works Under Water
U.S. Senate Proposes Two Dueling Cuban Commerce Laws
Online Dating: The Last Bastion of Racism in America
Cuba’s New UIC: Why It Matters
Lucid Energy, Cynar: Clever Energy Innovations To Consider Now
Tech Philanthropy: To Give or Not to Give [infographic]
Travel Apps: Stay Connected with Mobile Messaging
Freeware Friday: Andy the Android Emulator
Buying An Electric Vehicle Anytime Soon?
The Future (and Past) of Cuban Startups [analysis]
Microsoft Edge First Look: 10 Key Features
FWEXT for Android: App Pick
It Might Be Time to Get A Digital Afterlife [infographic]
3D Printer Reviews: Five That Will Knock Your Filament Socks Off
TeachTech: Three Elon Musk Videos to Inspire Your Students
How to Transfer iTunes to HTC One M8
Futurewatch: The Outlook for 3D Volumetric Display Tech
The Seagate Backup Plus Slim Portable Drive [review]
Ex Machina: Your Hot, Fake Naked Woman Will See You Now
Greg Wyler, OneWeb and Satellite Internet
Music Tech: What’s NinjaWav?
Moore’s Law at Fifty Years: An Infographic Extravaganza
Mobile Payments: How Facebook Messenger Measures Up
The Apple Car Revealed: USPTO Patent Application Here
If It Doesn’t Die Right Away, Apple’s New Macbook Is Amazing
MWC 2015: Hot Tablets, New Chipsets
MWC 2015: Microsoft Debuts Universal Office Apps
Revolution eLearning and the Bored Classroom
Elon Musk, AI Threat and a $10 Million Challenge
Yetu and the Open Source Smart Home [CES 2015]
The Cuba-U.S. Information Highway Starts Now
Drones On White House Lawn: Secret Service Tech Lagging?
Nextdoor: Discovering the Actual Neighborhood You Live In
Polaris Slingshot: Hands On Review
Ted Rall: Google Glass RIP, Sorta Kinda
Pause the Munch Button: CES 2015 Showstoppers
CES 2015: Magellan SmartGPS Navigates New Markets
Does the World Really Need Another Smartwatch? Six of the Best
Small Tech Cool: What You Probably Missed at CES 2015
CES 2015: Meet the Anova Precision Cooker
CES 2015: Proxi Debuts Magnetic Resonance Device Charging Tech
CES 2015: Win Real Money with WINR Games
CES 2015: Goodbye Passwords, Hello Hoyos 1U
CES 2015: How Sengled Combines LEDs and CE
CES 2015: Lyve Minds Secure, Cross Platform Photo Storage
CES 2015: Simple and Strong Authentication with Yubico
CES 2015: Six Superlative Products
CES 2015: Automate your life with NIAwulian remote systems
Take Control of your Content with Strings [exclusive]
Pepcom at CES 2015: Digital Magic
CES 2015: Staring Down the Spectrum of Consumer Desire
Beacon Technology: What It Is and Why You Should Care
CES 2015: Best of Innovation Winners Roundup
Cuba Commentary: Will Internet Access Be Expanded?
David Michaelis: Why New Tech Policies in Cuba Matter
Fyuse 2.0 Revolutionizes Digital Photography [exclusive]
Cyber Hacking, Sony and Asymmetric Warfare
Justine Crawford: My TEDx Adventure [gallery]
Israeli Sensor-Based T-Shirt Can Prevent Heart Attacks
Don’t Hire Anyone Over 30: Ageism in Silicon Valley
A History of Computer Science at the RAND Corporation
Valley Of Immigration: Obama on New Tech Rules
Roku Miracast: Goodbye Chromecast
4K Monitors for Gamers: No Slam Dunk Yet [analysis]
Typewriters Have No Back Door: Retro Tech and NSA
Whac-a-Mole: On Dictators vs. the Internet
Has Obama Saved Net Neutrality?
Silicon Valley Diversity: Non-Existent [infographic]
Induced Seismicity: How the Oil Biz Causes Earthquakes
CBS All Access Works Poorly, and It Has Commercials
On the Antifragile Human: Be Tough Now
Get A Digital Afterlife, Full of Ads (video)
Jerry Pournelle: A Time Machine in Chaos Manor
IBM iPads? Thinking Different …
Will Cyborgs Replace the Disabled?-Video
1969 to 2014: Visualizing Space Exploration and Space Tech
Intel and Facelock Push Facial Recognition Forward
Jerry Pournelle: Welcome Back to Chaos Manor
Burning Man: Real Social and Tech-happy
Digital Storytelling for Today’s Kids (Infographic)
A Game for Everyone: Activision Blizzard’s Big Fall-Winter Lineup
How To Do Better Hardware Demos [tips]
How To Max Out Samsung Galaxy S5 Battery Life
Test Your Digital Quotient! Is It Better than a Six Year Old?
The TWiT Brick House: My Visit to Podcast Mecca
3D Printers Will Disrupt Our Lives in Ways We Can’t Fully Understand
Five World War I Patents: War Tech Roundup
Rob Reilly: Samsung Galaxy S5 Active Travel Guide
How Consumers Foot the Bill For Data Breaches
Meet the Mars 2020 Rover: Details, Infographic
Tracey Mustacchio: IBM Apple Alliance Needs IT Service Brokerage to Unlock Apps
Mostly Mobile Reviews: Microsoft Sculpt Touch Mouse & Keyspan PRO3
Aereo’s Platform in Demand After Supreme Court Rule
Facial Recognition: Facebook Anti, Banks Pro
Google I/O 2014: Wearables, Android L, Chromecast, No Google+
Ant Pruitt: Google I/O 2014 Hopes and Dreams
RoboTar: Robotic Guitar of the Future?
A New Course for Financing Entry-level Training
Obama’s Risky Choices: Big Data, Small Answers
ISPs, Content Providers, Customers (analysis)
Composite Acoustics’ Cargo Acoustic-Electric Guitar (Review)
Passing the Turing Test: First Eugene, Next a Schizophrenic?
Moral and Amoral Drones: Video of the Week
Luxury Review: ISPBC Solar Tables and Air You Can Drink
Caltech Resonate Awards 2014: Who Won and Why
Luxury Review: Peloton Cycle, Spinning on Steroids (video)
EU Court Rules Against Google Search History, Internet Censored
Making Sense of James Clapper’s Promises, Threats and Meta-Data Kills
Mother’s Day 2014: Motherhood vs. Otherhood (video)
Game of Thrones: Rape Scene, Mobile Messaging Analysis
How To Navigate Modern Musical Waters
Point and Shoot with Ant Pruitt: Subjective Smartphone Photography (video)
Robotics World Championship 2014: Epic Battle Retrospective
Neil Armstrong on Being a Nerd: An Engineering Manifesto
Photography — At Pier 24 San Francisco
Broadcasters vs Aereo Supreme Court All Docs, Briefs: What the Court Sees
Sony Walkman: What Kids Think Now, What They’re Missing
Lean Data: Six New Rules for a Saner Data World (Infographic)
Ted Rall: How Big Tech Can Regain Our Trust
NAB 2014: DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ Quadcopter Drone (video)
Must See: Yoshiki Duels His Hologram on Classical Piano (videos)
Ding Ding TV Innovation Dialog: The Internet of Things and Wearable Technology
A Long Way from Virtual Boy: From Oculus Rift to Project Morpheus, the Road Ahead
Ted Rall: The NSA Manifesto and How We Get Our Privacy Back
Microsoft Build 2014: What To Expect
Ding Ding TV Innovation Dialog with Savita Vaidhyanathan
HP and the Internet of Things Insecurity: A New Peeping Tom Consortium (infographic)
NSA Hacks Huawei: How It Worked, Leaked NSA Slides Here (analysis)
Prosthetic Robot Arm Meets Drummer Jason Barnes: GA Tech’s Third Stick
Far Beyond Wi-Fi: Artemis to Bring 1,000x Faster Mobile Internet
AUUG Motion Synth Music Tech May Spark a Revolution (videos)
Google Android Wear Teases with Smartwatches
Phone Review: Kyocera Hydro Elite
The Web Turns 25: Who Will Make the New Rules? USA Retreats, analysis
Autonomous Robots in the Desert: DARPA Grand Challenge 10th Anniversary
Luxury Technology Show: How MOEN Personalizes Showers, Faucets
Data Monsters? Connected Cars infographic, analysis
Luxury Technology Show: UWS Air X Atmospheric Water Generator (video)
ACLU and Edward Snowden SXSW Google Hangout Transcript, Highlights
Luxury Technology Show Photo Gallery: Like You Were There
Fender Gives New Meaning to “Slide Guitar” with New Interface Device
Ted Rall: CIA Spying on Congress, Foolish Spooks and Senators
Luxury Technology Show: MWE Labs Emperor 1510 LX, Extreme Pod Seating
Luxury Technology Show: Peloton Cycles Ever Forward (video)
Prepared for Mobile Marketing Dominance: Nashville’s Horton Group
Luxury Technology Show: iWallet Biometric Protection (hands-on)
Luxury Technology Show: Jetson Bikes Roll Out in Style
Luxury Technology Show: McLaren 12c Spider, True Tech Roadster
Luxury Technology Show: CleanCoating RSI PV Table Wows
Tom Sloan Cartoon: Dr. Hydrogen’s Obsolete Technology
Lucid PowerXtend: How It Gets Phones 20 Percent More Battery Life
Larry Press: Venezuela vs. the Internet
Luxury Technology Show: Select Video Deep Dives from the Floor
Luxury Technology Show 2014: Equil Smartpen Now Evernote Ready
Luxury Technology Show: ISPBC Self-Powered Building Tech News
Alfred Poor: Corning Gorilla Glass NBT Touchscreen Tech (hands on)