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6 Must Read Publications for Foreign Policy News
Ted Rall: Here’s the Speech Trump Ought to Give but Won’t
Infographic: Remote Work in the Coronavirus Economy
Ben Goertzel: How Decentralized AI Can Combat Covid-19 and Minimize Future Pandemics, Too
Mellow out, Centrists: Bernie Sanders Isn’t the Radical You Fear
Ted Rall: A Dark New Prediction for Generation X
DevSecOps: Seven Tips for DevOps Security
Security! How to Tell If Your Site Has Been Hacked
Ted Rall: It’s Time to Fire the Cops
INFOGRAPHIC: Is Nanotechnology the Future of Medicine?
Ben Goertzel: What’s So Disturbing about Microsoft’s OpenAI Investment?
Ted Rall: It’s Up to Nancy Pelosi to Cave First
Last Mile Delivery: What You Need To Know Now
Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration: Avoiding the Obstacles
Ben Goertzel: On Facebook Fears, Libra Leaks and Crypto Futures
Hacking Government Secrets? Not a Crime
Tech Travel: What You Need Now
Here’s Why Playing a Musical Instrument Is So Good for Your Brain
Ted Rall: On the Dignity of Labor
Immigrant-Bashing GOP Debate: The Morning After [cartoon]
Baltimore Cops: Freddie Gray Might’ve Broken His Own Spine. What?
Ted Rall: Marked for A Pulitzer Or Marked for Death?
NFL Draft: What to Expect This Thursday, Projections
Nepal Earthquake: Aftershocks Pound Kathmandu, Everest And Beyond
Attention Chinese Mad Scientists: I’ll Be Your Designer Baby
US Drone Kills American Aid Worker: Why Didn’t They Know?
Joint Plan of Action: Obama Splits Jews with Iran Nuclear Deal
On YouTube Candidacy And The 2016 Presidential Clown Car
Ted Rall: Habeas Chimpus
On Prioritizing Content: The Facebook Disconnect
Jason Dias: Why I Am A Pacifist
US Presidential Elections: Are You Voting for Evil Or Less Evil?
What Are Police for, Really?
The Cops Have Met Their Enemies: They Are Us
Guy Who Shot Walter Scott Video Is Selling It for 10K. And Good for Him
Oh Mercy, Percy, I Am Still Looking for Your Kind of Love
In Defense of A Cop’s Right to Beat People Up. Privately.
Hillary Clinton: She Runs First, but Thinks Last
EU Antitrust Charges Against Google? NP. Just Buy Europe
Why is Walter Scott Dead? Because We’re Cowards, All of Us
Rand Paul: What Will Freak Him Out Next?
On Walter Scott: How I Explained The Killing to My Young, Black Sons
Countdown to August 9: Here’s The NFL Preseason Schedule
Moore’s Law at Fifty Years: An Infographic Extravaganza
Men’s Gymnastics, Wrestling And Ice Hockey: Last Gasp Sports
Jeb Bush Checked ‘Latino’ on A 2009 Form: Que Loco!
Biggest April Fool’s Prank Ever: Global Warming Hoax Explained
The Apple Car Revealed: USPTO Patent Application Here
Obama Pardons Snowden: “I Forgive Him,” the President Tweets [BREAKING]
Apple Car Sneak Peek: Exclusive First Look, Details, Patents
Exclusive: Apple to Debut Its Apple Gun Smart Firearm in 2016
Ted Rall: On the Real Cause of the German Copilot Suicide/Murder
Jason Dias: On Racism, Reality and the Outrage of False Equivalence
Too Crazy to Fly? On the Real Meaning of Crazy, Insane — and Evil
Closing Guantanamo: Better Late than Never — NOT!
Ted Rall: Who Is This “Together” Starbucks’ Howard Schultz Is Talking About?
Hillary Clinton Votes for NSA Spying. On Us. Not Her.
Softcard: Just the Latest Epic Wireless Carrier Fail
Ted Rall: EmailGate and the Unexpected End of Hillary Clinton
Those Wacky Canadians: Spocking and Snaping Goes Wild
Four Questions Americans Hate and the NSA Loves
Jethro Tull Harkens to the Past By Staying in the Present
Wannabe ISIS Fighters Arrested in NYC: Chickens Coming Home
Bill O’Reilly and VA Head Macdonald: Poor Victims of Brian Williams Disease
Ted Rall: How Wealthy Art Collectors Are Funding ISIS
The Authorization for the Use of Military Force Farce
Ted Rall: On Respecting People’s Religion, Not Their Politics
Amnesia: Yet Another Reason Why Newspapers Are Dying
Apple Car? Here’s What To Expect From the iCar [exclusive]
Ted Rall: It Isn’t Just Brian Williams Lying To You [toon]
Obama’s Executive Order: Cybersecurity, Privacy [livestream]
The Funniest Jon Stewart Video Clips Ever: Tribute
Goodbye, Jon Stewart: Please Let the New Guy Be Funnier
On Memory: Or Why Brian Williams Can’t Perceive the World As It Is
HSBC and the Tax Dodgers: A Closer Look
On Torture Photos: The US Thinks You Can’t Handle the Truth
A New Bargaining Chip? The Guantánamo Undersea Cable
Recipe for a Nightmare: The US Creation of ISIS, Hate Distillate
What Is ISIS Thinking? Deconstructing the Pilot Immolation Video
Ted Rall: On the Justification for Bombing ISIS, Or Lack Thereof
Ted Rall: On the Corruption of Sheldon Silver
Football’s Over. Here’s How to Choose a Soccer Team
Ted Rall: Why is the US Tracking Your Car? Asset Forfeiture!
Drones On White House Lawn: Secret Service Tech Lagging?
Greek Elections: You’d Think It Was a Communist Revolution
Terrible Things That Happened on Friday the 13th [infographic]
Dear Ex Google Glass Explorers: Don’t Give Up Yet
Charlie Hebdo: A Cure For Dying Newspapers?
Ted Rall: Charlie Hebdo and an Irresistible Political Opportunity
Cyber Jihad and Your Twitter Feed
CES 2015: The Eye Tribe Launches $99 Eye Tracker with SDK
CES 2015: Aleph Open Source 3D Printer Breaks Through
CES 2015: Neil Young’s Pono Player, How It Works
Take Control of your Content with Strings [exclusive]
CES 2015: First, the Lava Lamp, Now BlissLights?
CES 2015: Kwilt the Images of Your Life
CES 2015: Wowee MiPosaur Revs Up and Roars
CES 2015: Best of Innovation Winners Roundup
Going to CES 2015? 101 Other Things To Do in Las Vegas
Industrial Hemp Could Save the World [infographic]
Cyber Hacking, Sony and Asymmetric Warfare
Ted Rall: Why America Is So Over
How Not To Be a Monogamist
Israeli Sensor-Based T-Shirt Can Prevent Heart Attacks
Don’t Hire Anyone Over 30: Ageism in Silicon Valley
Ted Rall on US Torture: What’s Really New Here? [analysis]
Target Pulls Grand Theft Auto 5 Off Shelves
Stupid Grand Jury: Why the System Didn’t Work for Eric Garner
The Ice Age: Tech Workaholics and Drugs [infographic]
Ted Rall: They Shoot White People Too, Don’t They?
Valley Of Immigration: Obama on New Tech Rules
Copyright, the Internet and Why It Matters to You [infographic]
Grand Jury Says No Indictment for Stevens: Transcript, Ferguson Videos
Bloody Black Friday: How Shopping Kills, Injures and Maims
Music Monday: Christmas with the Devil
Typewriters Have No Back Door: Retro Tech and NSA
Jon Stewart Confronts Jewish Pressure, Video
On White People Using the N Word: Really a Thing?
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor is Here
Whac-a-Mole: On Dictators vs. the Internet
ESA Comet Lander Philae Touches Down: Live Footage, News
Has Obama Saved Net Neutrality?
Ted Rall: Why Encourage More Ignorant People To Vote?
Ted Rall: What Really Went Wrong with First Look Media
Ted Rall: It’s the Two-Party System, Stupid!
Election Day 2014: On Sleaze and Disinformation
CBS All Access Works Poorly, and It Has Commercials
The State of American Politics
Lost John Rutsey Material: Now Released by Rush
Audio Tales of Terror: The Stories of H.P. Lovecraft (Podcast)
A Closer Look: How Alibaba Compares with US Companies Now
MobileViews Podcast 100: iPhone 6 Plus on the road
Not Made in America: The Right to Be Forgotten
Larry Press: Why I Won’t Buy Ebola.Com
Ted Rall: Obama, Syria and the Arms Decision
Jack Bruce, Legendary Cream Bass Player, Dies at 71
Ted Rall: Why MSNBC Is In Trouble
How Putin Relives the Cold War in Sweden
Get A Digital Afterlife, Full of Ads (video)
Nobel Laureate Jean Tirole’s Lessons for Silicon Valley
Gamergaters, Revenge Slutting and You [video roundup]
Annapurna Circuit Snow Storm: A Trekking Tragedy
Ted Rall: Ebola Selfishness and Viral Stupidity
Jerry Pournelle: A Time Machine in Chaos Manor
Ebola Outbreak: West Africa to the US
IBM iPads? Thinking Different …
Ted Rall: Ebola Capitalism and the New Greed
Hong Kong: Anonymous vs. Jackie Chan
MobileViews: Apple speculation and connected devices
Will Cyborgs Replace the Disabled?-Video
Ebola Infographic: What You Need To Know Now
How To Be a Growth Hacker: Video of the Week
Lamont Wood: Report from Flyover Country
MobileViews: Windows 10 Technical Preview, iOS 8 Mail Crashes
The Worst Toilet I Ever Experienced Was a Toilet in San Francisco
Ted Rall: Why Aren’t We Angry About Ebola in the US?
Ted Rall on ISIS: Fighting the Inhumanity
Ted Rall on Obama: As Reluctant a Warrior as Genghis Khan
Intel and Facelock Push Facial Recognition Forward
Promoting a New Book, Site or Service? Crowdlaunch Takes Off
Jerry Pournelle: Welcome Back to Chaos Manor
Ted Rall: Why Firing Ray Rice Was Too Harsh — And Too Lenient
Apple Watch IP Analysis: A Closer Look
Ted Rall Cartoon: Why Not Up That NFL Sweetness?
Ted Rall: Support Your Local Military Police!
ISIS, Social Media and Evil Branding
Ted Rall: Why Feminists Are Missing the Date Rape Point
Burning Man: Real Social and Tech-happy
Google Car: What It’s Made Of, How It Works
Ted Rall: Why Violent Protest Is Working in Ferguson
Eight Traits of a Kick Ass Leader
Workplace Bullying: Are You a Victim?
Test Your Digital Quotient! Is It Better than a Six Year Old?
3D Printers Will Disrupt Our Lives in Ways We Can’t Fully Understand
How Consumers Foot the Bill For Data Breaches
A Good X Is A Dead X: Hate Speech Wins on Social Media
Tour De France 2014 Apps for Android, Apple iOS
The Chromebase, a Revolution in Desktop
How Facebook and US Military Manipulate Our Data
Telstar I Anniversary: History of Satellites [infographic]
Facebook: Just Be Happy … and Shut Up
Aereo’s Platform in Demand After Supreme Court Rule
Ted Rall: I Know a Secret [exclusive]
Facial Recognition: Facebook Anti, Banks Pro
Flipora: Tailoring Your Content Discovery
A New Course for Financing Entry-level Training
Delectable 4.0 for Apple iOS: Freeware Thursday
Obama’s Risky Choices: Big Data, Small Answers
Passing the Turing Test: First Eugene, Next a Schizophrenic?
What Is Forced Perspective: Ant Pruitt Video Daily
Movies by Flixster with Rotten Tomatoes: Freeware Weekend
Moral and Amoral Drones: Video of the Week
ESPN FC Soccer & World Cup for Android: Freeware Weekend
Luxury Review NYC Photos, Videos: Like You Were There
Luxury Review: ISPBC Solar Tables and Air You Can Drink
Uber vs. Cabs: Battle for a Sharing Economy
Caltech Resonate Awards 2014: Who Won and Why
Bookmark Fun? MyWebRoom Review
The Luxury Review: McLaren 650S Unveiled (video)
Luxury Review: Peloton Cycle, Spinning on Steroids (video)