How To Be a Growth Hacker: Video of the Week

Written by Gina Smith

If you want to better understand what it means to be a growth hacker, check out this video. How To Be a Growth Hacker is our vid of the week. Enjoy!

aNewDomain — Growth hacking is all in the news. It’s a marketing and biz dev technique, born in startup tech culture, for firing up growth on a radical level. Still don’t get it or want to know more? Look no further than the cool video below. It quickly presents some key attitudes and actions associated with best practice growth hacking now. Here’s how to be the best growth hacker you can possibly be, analyzed with elegance and energy in our video of the week, below.

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Gina Smith is The New York Times bestselling author of Apple founder Steve Wozniak’s biography, iWoz: How I Invented the Personal Computer and Had Fun Doing It (Norton, 2006/2014). She is also founder and editorial director here at aNewDomain. Email her at, follow her @ginasmith888 and find her posts on Google+ at her +Gina Smith page.