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Tag - Ted Rall
Love Tech: Cuddle Mattress and Weirder, Even Cushier Ideas
How NSA and the Secret FISA Court Work? (infographic)
Strange Bedfellows: ACLU + NRA vs NSA
Ted Rall: Tear Gas American Style, Anti-Protest Chem Weapon (cartoon)
How To Use Windows Phone 8: Tips for Starting Out (gallery)
Ted Rall: On Syria, Obama’s Breaking Bad
Ted Rall: Banning Croissants, Chem Warfare and Commitment in Syria (cartoon)
Roadblock: Self-Driving Cars Face Legal, Liability and Lavish Price Hurdles
Ted Rall: Ask Big Daddy, Credibility Counts (cartoon)
Tom Ewing: Why the World Shouldn’t Tolerate Chemical Weapons Use — Ever
Ted Rall Syria Commentary: Iraq All Over Again, Seven Things The Media’s Not Telling You
Ted Rall: Rules of War
Cassandra Chin: On Creative Marketing vs Big Data
NSA: LOVEINT Means Always Having to Say You’re Sorry (Ted Rall)
How To Keep Your Windows PC Drivers Up to Date: Slimdrivers Review
Big BOSS Meets Big Brother: Ted Rall, Biometric Optical Surveillance System (cartoon)
John C. Dvorak: On Michael Grunwald’s Tweeting for Murder, Julian Assange
For Media Advertising Campaigns, Kpsule Can’t be Beat
Ted Rall: NSA Data Rape, What 1.6 Percent Really Means (cartoon)
Cloud Management for IT: Why Applango Works
NSA PRISM vs. Al Qaeda Surveillance: Coincidence? Ted Rall (cartoon)
Ted Rall: NSA PRISM, Not Connecting the Dots (cartoon)
Happify: Practice Well-Being and Happiness Online (review)
NSA PRISM Protest, Pentagon Papers Leaker Ellsberg Speaks, Photo Gallery
Ted Rall on Bradley Manning’s Dilemma: Know Your Level (cartoon)
Protect Your Data and Communications with Cryptocat
Epic Chinese Game Immortal Conquest: Fegelein Reviews
NSA Rectal Sampling Privacy Shocker: Ted Rall
Ten Biggest Social Networks in the World, Why China Gets It (infographic)
Ted Rall: On PRISM and Passwords, Why Aren’t Americans Freaking?
John C. Dvorak: U.S. Gathers Passwords — Dump Free Email Providers Now
Ted Rall Cartoon: NSA? Call It the Notional Sophistry Agency
Ted Rall: My Take On Comic-Con 2013, Worth It? (cartoon)
John C. Dvorak: On NSA PRISM and the Stock Market Connection
Deal With High Quality, Huge Music Collections, iTunes Tricks, Apps
NSA PRISM: Whistle Blower Edward Snowden Nobel Peace Prize 2014 Nominee
David Michaelis: On PRISM, Microsoft, FISA Secret Courts and the Star Chamber
PRISM Prison? Chrome, Firefox Plug In HTTPS Everywhere, review
Ted Rall: U.S. Postal Service Mail Scanning Project, Party Like It’s 1984
San Diego Comic-Con 2013 Preview
Exergaming vs. “Potato” Games
Assassin’s Creed III Review
Image Rights in the Wild West — Hold ‘Em if You Got ‘Em
Hearts of Iron III Review
Ted Rall: Ten Things You Probably Don’t Know About PRISM
Web-based Temp Agency Gigwalk Provides Flexible and Inexpensive Labor for Entrepreneurs
How PRISM Works, How the FBI and NSA Will Organize Your Private Data
Meet Ted Rall: Award-Winning Columnist, Author Now at
David Michaelis: On PRISM Slides, From Woz to Assange, Questioning Authority Cross Gen
Ted Rall PRISM Takeaway: Are We Citizens or Serfs? Should Obama Resign? commentary
Diigo: Improve Your Social Bookmarking
Russ Johnson: Odd Future View, New Google Maps Review
Replacing the Virtual Meeting: Online Collaboration Tools roundup
WWDC 2013: Apple iOS 7 News, Macho Siri, New Mac Pro, Keynote Here
On the PRISM Generational Divide: Too Wide To Cross
Tales of Image Ripoff: True Photographer Horror Stories
Dino Londis: Intel Haswell Chip for Win 8 Devices, Haswell vs. Sandy Bridge (analysis)
UPDATE: NSA Leaked PRISM Slides, New Slide Shows Upstream Surveillance Program (all slides here)
White House Report on Patent Trolls: Report, Video Here
Stay.Com for Android, Apple iOS: Create Your Own Travel Guide with an App
Pikinis for iOS: On Rating Bikini Photos, Madison Andrews Comments
As Big Media and Corporate Sites Ail, Media as a Service (MaaS) Medicates
New Exploratorium at Pier 15: Richard Hay Photo Gallery
HTC One vs Samsung Galaxy S4 Compared: Seth Heringer Deep Dive
New G+ Stream, Hangouts and Photos, Oh My!
MIT Creates Circuits from Living Cells: How It Works
Adobe MAX 2013: Let Them Eat Cloud
Animated GIF Profile Pics on Google+
Born with a Four-Inch Pompadour? Best Guitar Sites and How You Rock
Who is Leonhardo Euler? Euler’s Number and Euler’s Constant Make Google Doodle, Songs
US DOJ FTC Patent Troll Probe: Google, Microsoft, Academic, Public Comments (analysis)
Social Media in Emergency Management: The Digital Public Information Officer
Reverse Lookup for Android: Freeware Friday
California Academy of Sciences vs The Smithsonian: Science Showdown
Dino Londis: On Avatars and Telecommuting
April Fool! Google April Fools Day Videos and All Gag Roundup
Dear Mr. President: Extortion? 12 Leads Re Patent Trolls for Your DOJ-FTC Investigation
Social Media Goes Red in Support of Marriage Equality
Ten Terrific Tablet Tasks: Carpentry, Cooking, Remote Access, Lighting and More
NAB 2013: Kessler Crane, Cinevate, DitoGear Dreams, Rhino Slider Desires
Madison Andrews: On Endangered Languages and Open Source Efforts to Preserve Them
SXSW 2013: Hanging Out on Sixth Street with Richard Hay
Sony PlayStation 4 News, Specs: No Box Shown, All Hat, No Cowboy
Fido and Facebook: Pets and Social Media (Infographic)
John C. Dvorak Super Bowl Tech: Kaepernick, Expendable QBs and NFL Futures
Ant Pruitt: Hisense Pulse for Google TV Review, Real Bang for the Buck