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Tag - Donald Trump
Ted Rall: Here’s the Speech Trump Ought to Give but Won’t
Why God’s Selecting Trump for President is Terrible News — for Trump
Ted Rall: Why Do Democrats Put Up with Trump’s Trolling?
Ted Rall: The Great Immigration Debate [cartoon]
Ted Rall: Why Trump Is Right About Newspaper Libel Laws
Ted Rall: Donald Trump’s Nastiness Is Par for the Presidential Course
Ted Rall: What Are The Odds of Trump’s Presidency Lasting Another Year?
Life After Twitter: Three Weeks In, Here’s My Progress Report
America’s Two-Party System, Explained [cartoon]
Hey, Trump: Hillary’s and Bernie’s Twitter Followings Are Nearly Half Fake, Too!
Ted Rall: We Used to Build Things, Remember? [cartoon]
John Barry: Don’t Call Pres. Donald Trump A Liar. Call Him This Instead …
Is Trump Doomed? Yes. But Not Because He’s A Nazi Sympathizer
Before ‘Evil Losers,’ Trump Had These Equally Brilliant 7th Grade Insults To Consider [cartoon]
Trump Supporters: We Exist, Snowflakes. Get Used To It
What Would George Orwell Say About Donald Trump?
Ninth Circuit Whacks Trump’s Immigration Ban: Read The Decision Here
Ted Rall: On Promises, Golf and Lazy, Lying Presidents [cartoon]
U.S. Rep’s Aide Used “Rape Ewok” Meme To Mock Afghanis. Then This Happened
Alternative Factual Reality: Meet Leftie Donald Trump [cartoon]
Ted Rall: Keeping Up with the Donald [cartoon]
Michael Skolnik: 14 Ways To Resist Donald Trump This Week [Feb 2 – Feb 9, 2017]
Alternative Facts, Donald Trump and The Singularity: Have Faith, Bro
Ted Rall: Why Future Women’s March Protesters Need To Ditch The Fake Left
Jason Dias: Why Does Donald Trump Lie?
Michael Skolnik: 15 Easy, Effective Ways To Resist Donald Trump This Week
Trump Gags EPA, Kills Clean Water Rule: 1 in 3 Americans Affected
Dear President Trump: Take These Cues from Reagan, JFK, FDR
Trump Times Trying Your Soul? Re-Read Thomas Paine’s American Crisis Here
Donald Trump Inauguration Protests: A Portrait of Resistance [gallery]
Michael Skolnik: Ten Things You Can Do to Oppose Donald Trump This Week
Yes, Jeff Sessions, Good People Do Smoke Weed. So Watch Out …
Ted Rall: To Donald Trump and Fans, This Is What The World Looks Like
Michael Skolnik: Want To Resist Trump? 12 Things To Do This Week
Dark Age Dawning: Why Americans Should Fear Lawmakers Who Fear Science
Grizzly Steppe: US Says Russia Hacked US to Influence Election [full report here]
Ted Rall Manifesto: Why Libs and Lefties Must Unite To Topple Trumpism
Does Donald Trump Have A Stake In The Fallout Shelter Business? [cartoon]
Ted Rall: Why Is Trump Still Selling Trump Swag?
Trump Sec. of State Pick Rex Tillerson Headed US-Russia Oil Firm [UPDATED]
Why Sen. Jeff Sessions Is Trump’s Big Flip-Off to Legal Weed
China Warns Trump re Taiwan. What’s He Thinking? A Tweet Analysis
A Donald Trump Twitter Bitch Slap: What Silicon Valley Should Do Now
Democrats’ Last Chance: Fight Donald Trump or Die
Donald Trump and Friends: A Reptilian Tale
Should We Blame Liberals for Trump-Loving Authoritarianism? Not So Fast
Amid Fallout Around New CIA Evidence, Trump Critic Scott Dworkin Talks Trump, Treason
Ted Rall: Donald Trump’s Cabinet, In General [cartoon]
Ted Rall: Thanks to Trump, No More Ameri-splaining …
Donald Trump on Cuba: What His Tweets Reveal
Mr. Trump Goes To Washington [cartoon]
Thought Exercise: Dump Trump? Then Would Madam President Do?
Ted Rall: The Greatest Donald Trump Puzzler Yet [cartoon]
System Failure & Operator Error: A Donald Trump Tale
Paramedia: A Psychologist Explains Why People Believe Fake News
Paramedia: We Need A Hero To Save Us From Fake News. Could It Be ICANN?
Ted Rall: How Obama’s Fascism Will Prosper Under Pres. Trump
Paramedia: Post-Election, Five Fake News Stories Scammed Millions [part five]
Ted Rall: The Difference Between Lefties and Liberals [cartoon]
When Will Donald Trump Disavow These Nuts for Real? [cartoon]
Ted Rall: No, Everything Is Not Going To Be Alright
Jason Dias: On Existentialism, Wormholes and How To Survive the Election
Kremlin’s Sergey Ryabkov: We Were In Contact with ‘Trump’s Inner Circle’
Stop Blaming Third Party Voters for Trump’s Win. Blame This Instead …
Welcome to the Revolution: It’s Arab Spring, American-Style
Paramedia: How Fake News, Bots and Social Won Trump the White House
Why Did So Many People Vote for Trump? Well, There’s This …
Paramedia: How Did Donald Trump Win Again? [part 3]
Donald Trump Nevada Lawsuit: Judge Denies Motion to Isolate Votes
Ted Rall: This New Yorker Is Voting for Jill Stein
Paramedia: How Alt-Right Fake News and Hoax Sites Trick Voters [part 1]
Ted Rall: The Greatest Country in the World [cartoon]
Ted Rall: Dear Deplorables, You Win
These Republican Leaders Are Blasting FBI Dir. James Comey [updated]
Sen. Harry Reid: FBI Has “Explosive” Evidence on Trump-Russia Ties
To Beat Trump Hands Down, Hillary Clinton Needs To Do These 4 Things
You Don’t Know Them: On Sir Jimmy Savile, Donald Trump and The Power of Celebrity
Could Donald Trump End Up Being Russia’s US President in Exile?
Jason Dias: This Isn’t The America I Grew Up In
Ted Rall: Too Bad We Didn’t Have A Trump Tape in 1933!
On A Potential Donald Trump Insurrection, Dictatorship: How To Rebel
Even Post Donald Trump, Trump’s Guerrilla Politics Will Remain
Has Pat Robertson Lost His Mind? His Religion? Or Both?
On Nationalism vs Patriotism and The Politics of the Absurd
What Is Up With Those Creepy Clowns? Two Words: Donald Trump
The Great Trump Supporter Disconnect
Donald Trump’s Wall? Here’s What You’re Missing
First Presidential Debate: Trump Rambled. He Was Incoherent. But He Beat The Spread …
Where’s The Beef? The No. 1 Reason Why Trump Could Rule The Debates
DNC 2016: On The Logic of Lesser Evilism
Next up, Ted Cruz Crashes Donald Trump’s Fourth Wedding [cartoon]
Here’s What Donald Trump’s First 100 Minutes In Office Will Be Like
Ted Rall: On Donald Trump and Republican Amnesia
Brexit Wins, UK Burns: Why Trumpians Just Won’t Get It
It’s Too Late. Mass Shootings Are The New Normal
Donald Trump Opposition Research Hack: He “Doesn’t Believe in Heaven”
Ted Rall: Worst Case Scenario?
Paul Ryan Is Okay With A Racist President, So Long As He’s Right On Policy
Ted Rall: “Trillary” Is An American Disaster Just Waiting To Happen
When It’s Nixon vs Caligula, You Bite the Bullet and Vote Nixon. Sorry.
RNC 2016: Young Doctors, Execs Plan Anti Trump Protest for 10,000
Ted Rall: This Is Why I’m #NeverHillary
Ted Rall: Here’s Why Donald Trump’s Not Bluffing on Mass Deportations
Mark Cuban: “I Never Said I Would Vote for Trump” [exclusive]
President Trump to Muslims: Eat The Bacon!
In Politics, Secrecy Doesn’t Count
More Presidential? Really?
The UK Won’t Say Sorry, So How Is Trump Supposed To Boss Around China?
Dear Black Voters: What Is Going On With You?
Here’s What Happens If They Steal The Election from Donald Trump …
The Boston Globe Publishes Fake Front Page, Urges GOP To Stop Trump Now
Journalists Who Don’t Suck Would’ve Seen Donald Trump Coming
Ted Rall: Why Donald Trump Is Positioned To Win The Presidency
Ted Rall: What Would Trump Do?
Dear Senate Republicans: Just Say Obama Goofed!
Who Is Thomas DiMassimo? Actor, Student, Serial Protester …
Great PR, Giant Product Disaster: The Problem With Hillary Clinton
Ted Rall on Donald Trump: Is The Republic Really Worth Saving?
Ted Rall on Donald Trump: And So Disaster Looms
Ted Rall: The GOP Strikes Back. Not. [cartoon]
Ted Rall: On Donald Trump’s Apple Boycott and His 2012 Samsung S-III
I Survived The Donald Trump Rally: Here’s What I Have Learned
Dear UK Home Secretary: Please Do The Right Thing and Ban Donald Trump
Ted Rall: Donald Trump Is Right — About These Six Things
Donald Trumpism Explained (It’s Free Trade, Stupid)
Ted Rall: Donald Trump May Be A Bigot, But There’s A Precedent
Believe it. Donald Trump Really Can Win The White House. [analysis]
Corporate News Media: Don’t Vote for Trump’s Racist Lies, Vote for Someone Else’s
Ted Rall: Presidential Candidates And Their Deities [cartoon]
Ted Rall: The Real Reason Why Joe Biden Is Not Running for President
Stop Whining. If You Don’t Like Donald Trump, Do These Five Things Right Now
The Democratic Debate: Show Them Who’s Boss
Donald Trump Appeals to Our Best Instincts
Why Do Trump’s Numbers Keep Going Up? Blather Control. [Ted Rall cartoon]
Ted Rall: The Surprising Reason People Will Vote for Donald Trump [cartoon]
Ted Rall: On Republicans Trying to Get Rid of Trump [cartoon]
Why Are Americans So Stupid — And So Proud of It?
All Republican Candidates Are The Same, Except for Trump [cartoon]
Video of the Week: Here’s Josh Groban Singing Donald Trump’s Tweets
If You Want Proof That Fox Doesn’t Suck That Bad, Read This.
Trump Polls High with Children
Donald Trump: Obama’s “Done Nothing for African Americans”
KKK YouTube Statement: “We’re Done, GOP”
Donald Trump’s Achilles Heel: Eminent Domain Property Seizure
Ted Rall: Why The Media Won’t Take Donald Trump Seriously [cartoon]
Too Hot Headed for The Oval Office: Trump’s McCain Blitz Tells All
In Defense of Donald Trump’s Slam on John McCain
Who’s Cutting Ties With Donald Trump Now [animated infographic]
Donald Trump To Star In New Version Of “Moby-Dick” [exclusive!]
Republicans Respond To Donald Trump: Ted Rall Cartoon
The Donald Trump Paradox: Ted Rall Cartoon
Donald Trump’s Therapist: “Please, Please Take Trump Seriously!”
The Perfect Greek Debt Solution? Bring in Donald Trump
Why Mayweather’s Fans Are Wrong on The Money