Kevin Marcus: Meet Apphead

Apphead is guaranteed not to rust, bust, chip or crust. It’s a no-brainer, lion tamer, do-it-all app for you and you and you and you. Get it now and be the most you can be. Be the hostess with the mostest. Be the bees knees, chickadees. Yet another deep dive by Kevin Marcus.

aNewDomain — Apphead is the latest app for those of you that have all the apps already. Not to be confused with Apphead apps maker — Apphead Apps.

With Apphead you can dice, slice, slam, cram, roll, bowl and pretty much do anything you want with your computer, phone, tablet or electronic device. This amazing application is the application to end all applications. Here’s what some of the current users have to say about Apphead:

‘Apphead is the best program I have ever used. It does everything!’ — Ralph Beamish, Florida”


‘I used to surf the information superhighway. Now I rocket through it.’ — Purdy Purdburg, Georgia”

And then this:

‘This app totally took command of my computer and my tablet — both of them. I no longer waste hours and hours online anymore. It’s as if … my electronic devices have become self-aware.’ — Kyle Reese, Los Angeles”

Wow! Talk about testimonials. Apphead is guaranteed not to bust, crust, chip or rust. It’s the bees knees, chickadees. You’ve heard about chips, dips, chains, whips? Well, Apphead is all that and more. Try it and you’ll be convinced. Apphead does it all. Look at this group of people before they found Apphead. Do they look stressed out or what?

Image credit: Orange is the New Black

Now look at the same group of people after purchasing and using Apphead.

Screenshot image credit: Kevin Marcus

See? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case I agree. What would you do to get this kind of results? Apphead is a must-have for your household, apartment, car, truck or moped. Use it while at home, at work, or pretty much anytime you are doing anything. Watch for more exciting and deep dive-ish info on Apphead here at aNewDomain … it’s free after all. And if it wasn’t, I’d pay for it.

For, I’m Kevin Marcus.

Based in North Carolina, Kevin Marcus is a copy editor at aNewDomain and our resident free-app-a-day guy. Email Kevin freeware recommendations at or chat with him privately at lol@soulmates. Comunican!


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