— The Nokia Lumia 1020 has been touted as one of the best smartphone cameras available. The 41 megapixel camera has garnered great admiration from both smartphone photographers and consumers. The latest submission to “Where Are You Now?” comes from Charlotte, NC and Smartphone Photographers Community member, Lloyd Tiamfook.

Image credit: Lloyd Tiamfook
I love the wide-angle Tiamfook managed to capture, but I love the beautiful colors in this shot even more. The trees lining the edge of the lake are clearly far away, and yet the Lumia 1020’s camera sensors were able to keep the bright details and tonality of the leaves, giving you a true feel of the cool season in Charlotte, NC. Well done, Mr. Tiamfook.
If you want to be a published smartphone photographer, send me an email with a link to your photograph. I look forward to seeing what you all submit. Be sure to leave your comments below on Tiamfook’s photograph.
I’m Ant Pruitt here on
Based in Charlotte, NC, Ant Pruitt is an IT pro, a columnist and the podcast captain at Look for his Smartphone Photographers Community and Yet Another Tech Show. Follow him @ihavnolyfe or on Google+ and email him at See all Ant’s articles on aNewDomain by following this link here.