Trey Ratcliff Photo of the Day: The Commune, China

Written by Trey Ratcliff Here’s the photo of the day for January 8, 2013, which I syndicate here at the smart and beautiful site, adjectives Gina Smith and I came up with for the site while planning its look and feel almost two years ago at a seedy pool hall in San Francisco. But we digress.
The Trey Ratcliff Photo of the Day, as the name implies, shows up daily at That’s its home. Here it is for Tuesday-Wednesday, January 8-9, depending on the hemisphere:

In my post on my site, I wrote that this is a really cool place. An expensive, truly unique resort. The pic is called The Commune, China.

trey ratcliff photo of the day anewdomain photo of the day 08.01.13

Trey Ratcliff Photo Credit: Trey Ratcliff for in Beijing

On StuckInCustoms, I wrote this up quite a bit. Here’s a quick excerpt.

(This resort pictured) is an expensive resort, but really quite unique. (It) had a series of architects come in and create very modern houses that are scattered across the hilly countryside. Then they repeated those designs and created many little room-like quarters inside each of the houses where guests can stay. One of the other great features of the resort is that you can begin a walk up an old river bed for about half a mile before reaching a forgotten, abandoned part of the Great Wall of China.

My photo of the day’s home is at my site, which is also where my vidcast, tips, videos, apps and other content live.