Tom Sloan Cartoon: Get Rich Quick (With Fleas)

In the latest Tom Sloan cartoon, Tom says you can you get rich quick — by selling fleas.

aNewDomain — There are some ideas that fall right in our laps.

Now, the first three frames of this cartoon are real. Years ago, I was in a veterinarian’s office that had a poster on the wall about how fast fleas can multiply. Someone, who wasn’t me, wrote, ” … and sell them for $1 each.” Great idea! But, as great of an idea as that was, I just never had the gumption to start raising fleas. cartoons78 million fleas
Cartoon: Tom Sloan

Now that I have put forth this wonderful idea to the Internet masses, I will expect to see an infomercial on TV from someone selling fleas pretty soon. But wait, there’s more. Act now and they will double the offer. Get not one but two fleas for only one dollar.

For, I’m Tom Sloan.

Tom Sloan has drawn cartoons and illustrations for numerous publications — including the original BYTE magazine. Not limited to print, Tom’s cartoons and collages are displayed in museums and galleries around the United States. He’s also an accomplished animator. He’s created animations for such as clients Sesame Street, HBO, Nickelodeon, Captain Kangaroo, Romper Room, Burger King and McDonalds.