Microscopic Photography Lenses: Point and Shoot With Ant Pruitt

Microscopic photography and more with your smartphone camera. Get creative.

aNewDomain.net — Smartphone cameras can be used to capture more than your candid “I’m at the game” photograph. With a little bit of research, effort and sometimes ingenuity you can get a wide range of photograph options. Panoramic shots, selfies or even microscopic shots. The Smartphone Photographers Community and our Ant Pruitt sat down at their weekly hangout to discuss these types of shots.

The panel for this week’s hangout included Deborah Walmer-Basembe, Melissa Davis, Michael King, Michael Portis and Mike Sweeney. The conversations were entertaining and interesting as usual. Robert Knight of the community shared a microscope lens and has had fairly good results with it, but Walmer-Basembe’s experience didn’t satisfy her. Curious to get yourself a microscope lens? Amazon had great offerings and prices such as the one found here. There’s also a great discussion on high-key photography.

As usual, the community held a weekly photography challenge. This week’s theme was “tyre/tire.” More great submissions were posted but only one member claimed the crown of winner. Check out the winning photograph from Kelsie W.

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Image credit: Kelsie W.

Sit back and enjoy the discussions and shared photos on this week’s Point and Shoot from the Smartphone Photographers Community hosted by our Ant Pruitt.

Based in Charlotte, NC, Ant Pruitt is an IT pro, a columnist and the podcast captain at aNewDomain.net. Look for his Smartphone Photographers Community and Yet Another Tech Show. Follow him @ihavnolyfe or on Google+ and email him at Ant@aNewDomain.net. See all Ant’s articles on aNewDomain.net by following this link.