— A revolutionary new guitar amplifier has been released by Line 6, recently bought by Yamaha. The new amp boasts an awesome Celestion speaker power mixed with stunning tonal clarity, a full set of customizable features, and Bluetooth connectivity. First announced by the company at NAMM in January 2014, this guitar amplifier is much more than your average amp. Meet AMPLIFi.
The AMPLIFi comes in two sizes: 75 watts or 150 watts. The latter, with its specially-designed 12″ Celestion speaker, is better-suited for live gigs or recording in the studio. The 75-watt model is perfect for jamming in your bedroom or garage.

Image credit: Line 6
Bells and Whistles
The AMPLIFi also enables you to stream music for recording playback, jam-along rockage, or just pumping up the volume at your party. That’s right, the AMPLIFi easily becomes a high-quality stereo-speaker system while the guitar’s custom speaker becomes a powerhouse sub-woofer.
The streaming music feature of the AMPLIFi is made possible by Bluetooth streaming compatibility with iPhone 4 to iPhone 5S, iPad (3rd and 4th generation), iPad 2, iPad mini, iPod touch (5th generation), Android devices, Mac, or Windows PC. If that’s not enough, the AMPLIFi Remote companion app lets you slow down tracks that you’re trying to learn how to play, so that you can learn them faster with less frustration.
Another nifty feature — the AMPLIFi Remote iOS app enables you to capture the guitar tone of nearly any guitar player who has ever created a guitar tone using Line 6. No need to go through the trial-and-error process of figuring out that tone for yourself. You are able to create your own “perfect DSP blend” of pedals, effects processors, amps, and cabinet models. The tones are shared peer-to-peer and they receive peer reviews as well. The Remote iOS app allows you to store and access guitar tones in the cloud and supports a web-based community of guitar players.
AMPLIFi has five speakers for a full, rich sound. This five-speaker configuration also lets a guitar player capture that “perfect” guitar tone through a wide range of volume settings, something that’s often hard to do with a traditional tube amp.
AMPLIFi is also uniquely designed with a proprietary wet (signal through guitar effects) and dry (guitar plugged directly into amp) guitar tone configuration that should be a godsend to guitar players, especially when playing on stage. Through this configuration, the core guitar (dry) tone that the guitarist is intimate with remains uncluttered by the post effects, while the post effects of the wet tone are actually reproduced through a separate amplification system. This makes those wondrous sounds swirl around the core tone without getting lost or making the core tone muddy.
The AMPLIFi guitar amp from Line 6 is truly a revolutionary new piece of music tech. It’s useful in touring, recording, sharing, learning new music or just kicking out the jams in high-quality stereo-system style. Not to mention its astounding sound — I think the guitar amplifier may have just been reinvented.
You can check it out for yourself here:
For, I’m Brant David.
Based in New Jersey, Brant David is a senior writer for Follow him at +Brant David on Google+ and
Was this a review or sponsored contents advertisement?
If it is sponsored content, you guys need to seriously add a disclaimer. If it isn’t, you should write less like it’s a commercial.
I think he explained it well. Just because he likes the product doesn’t mean it’s sponsored. If it is sponsored, of course it would be disclosed.
Hello shane p,
No, this wasn’t sponsored content. It is expository content, and certainly doesn’t read like marketing. A piece of writing cannot be merely some dry list of specs.
How much?
Shane, come on, you know me. When have you known me to write so much as a side mention of anything that conflicts — like something mentioning my Wozniak biography — without running a huge disclaimer. We don’t do ads. Without speaking for Brant, let me say that Brant felt passionately about this product.
If you have a counterpoint, definitely write up a short piece and point that out for our readers. We’d love to have you actively writing again anyway! : )
DISCLAIMER: Gina Smith profits off the book she wrote with Steve Wozniak — and her mention of it in no way serves as an advertisement here in the editorial space of aNewDomain.
That is, Shane, to say we don’t do advertorial on the pages of anewdomain. Of course, we do ads — but there’s a Chinese Wall (so to speak) between edit and advertising as there must be.
Good to hear. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed the Wozniak biography. Very entertaining.