Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away there’s a job for you. Really. Check out the Star Wars occupation flow chart infographic.
aNewDomain — There’s a job for you in a galaxy far, far away. Check out the Star Wars occupation flowchart, below.
Depending entirely upon whether you see yourself as a rebel, find out below if you’re better suited to a career as a Sith Lord, a Jedi Knight … or a slave for Jabba.

Star Wars Occupation Flow Chart infographic: via
For, I’m Gina Smith.
Gina Smith is The New York Times bestselling author of Apple founder Steve Wozniak’s biography, iWoz: How I Invented the Personal Computer and Had Fun Doing It (Norton, 2006/2014). She is also founder and editorial director here at aNewDomain. Email her at, follow her @ginasmith888 and find her posts on Google+ at her +Gina Smith page.
Pretty funny :)
Pretty Good Flowchart
regards: Creately