Fitocracy for iOS and Android: Ant Pruitt Freeware Pick for IT Pros

Ant Pruitt drives a desk for a living but he drives his body hard, too. He uses Fitocracy for Apple iOS and Android to help him meet his hard body goals. As you see, it’s working. More inside. Freeware review. — People hear you’re an IT pro and they automatically assume you’re a pasty geek with a gaming controller growing out of your hand. The latter would be cool. And it’s true I drive a desk for a living — but I’m no potato.

A friend recently shared an app and service with me — it’s called Fitocracy — and it is a great addition to my workout routine.


Image credit: Ant Pruitt

Fitocracy helps you stick to your regimen, one of the toughest things about working out. Scheduling and motivation are two of the things Fitocracy provides.

The Fitocracy app and service lets you build a social network of motivated fitness friends. You post a status just as you would on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ — and of course you log your workout regimen digitally. Privacy settings are available online to help manage how your posts and content are viewed.


Image credit: Ant Pruitt for

I like Fitocracy. I enjoy the social connection online around the category of fitness, and I also like the achievement-oriented part of the app. It’ll motivate you with each workout. Want to set a new personal record on your one mile run? Boom! Run. Time it. You earn an achievement. Just like in gaming, Fitocracy lets you compare achievements with your friends and further build motivation among you.

Fitocracy’s service is free and available online, but installing the free Android or iOS mobile app is really useful.


Even Ingress will let you stay in shape once you learn how to play Ingress, which is half the battle. Track your progress with Fitocracy and you’ve got the other half down.

Find me on Fitocracy at Physique8384. And find me at and aGNUdomain. I’m Ant Pruitt.


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