Fitness Apps: Calorie Counter

calorie counter featured
Written by Cassandra Chin

Want to get healthier? The Calorie Counter app will help adjust your nutrition one day at a time.

aNewDomain — There are two key components to fitness: exercise and nutrition. While you can bypass fitness routines, nutrition is something you have to do pretty much every day. That chunk of cake or slice of pizza is fine once in a while, but overdoing it can lead to a spreading waistline and a less-healthy life.

calorie counter 1Calorie Counter, a free app available for Android on Google Play and Apple iOS, is the perfect way for the tech-oriented weight watcher to get a handle on their food. It does precisely what the name says: counts your daily caloric intake.

To set up a profile, and use it effectively, you have to list your height, weight, body type, and other details and be dedicated about using the app. You input your daily diet, food by food, and the app begins to track what kinds of food you eat, suggests what would be healthier and lets you know when you’ve gone too far.calorie counter 1

Even if you don’t need to count every single calorie, the daily history provides you with a clear idea of your eating trends and what foods you really enjoy. The app is open to any kind of change — whether it’s a cold turkey approach, or a slower rollback on sugar. Whatever goals you have can be achieved, but do plan on entering a fair amount of data.

Calorie Counter has strength in numbers, too. It has a list of over 5 million foods, each with specific calorie amounts, and it’s been positively reviewed over a million times in Google Play. It’s part of Under Armour’s MyFitnessPal network, is compatible with a host of wearable fitness trackers and has a free and paid version. What are you waiting for?

For aNewDomain, I’m .

Images in order: Fresh vegetable cups by USDA via Flickr; Screenshots courtesy of Google Play