Angry Muslims and Self-Radicalization: Here’s The Question To Ask

Written by Ted Rall

What does the spate of recent terrorism by self-radicalized, angry Muslims say about us? TED RALL wants to know. [cartoon]

aNewDomain, — After a would-be suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in a subway tunnel near Times Square in New York City recently, it was immediately evident: The suspect was another one of those self-radicalized, angry Muslims.

Certainly it isn’t surprising that Muslims are furious at the United States. The US, after all, now employs a terrible foreign policy toward Islam. And domestically,  Muslims are more and more the target of hate crimes.

Obviously, some of those angry people are going to lash out with violence. But we Americans still must ask ourselves what it all says about us?

For aNewDomain, I’m Ted Rall.