When Millions are Minions: Mobile Empire infographic

Written by David Street

You’re one of its millions of minions. Get used to it. It’s the Mobile Empire infographic. Will Wintel soon be a memory? Amazing infographic with a ton of facts to explain what happened and how — how it happened so quickly — and what’s next for the future of Android vs Windows and mobile computing. Great stuff.

aNewDomain.net — Behold the Mobile Empire infographic. It shows what was unthinkable just a year or two ago.

Blame the toppling of the Microsoft-Intel Wintel duopoly, the proliferation of such open systems as Android or good old Gordon Moore’s Law of 1964.

Bottom line: Combine falling mobile prices, and smartphones and tablets that last longer and work faster than ever, and it’s a Mobile Empire. And you’re among its minions.

How did it happen? What are the ramifications? The minions are growing for sure. In the United States alone, you’ve got 174 million mobile smartphone and tablet users, mostly on Android, a total base that will likely near 300 million in the next three to five years, analysts predict.

Check out the Mobile Empire infographic, below, courtesy InternetServices.net. Thanks especially to friend Jen Rhee for turning us on to this great piece of informative art. Keep ’em coming.
Internet Infographic

Gina Smith is editorial director of aNewDomain.net, cofounded with John C. Dvorak and Jerry Pournelle — plus a team of the best tech and science journalists and IT pros in the world. Email Gina at Gina@anewdomain.net and follow her @ginasmith888 or @realGinaSmith