Video of the Week: John Oliver on Crumbling US Infrastructure

Written by Tom Ewing

Comedian John Oliver takes a humorous and ironic look at the difficulties in turning around America’s crumbling infrastructure. It’s our video of the week.

aNewDomain — John Oliver in a recent Last Week Tonight shows how to make a critical but otherwise boring issue – the crumbling US infrastructure – not only interesting but entertaining.

The main obstacle in repairing America’s roads, bridges, and dams – the most imperiled infrastructures in the developed world – is that the topic is not sexy.

Ironically, many of Hollywood’s blockbuster films focus on attacks to the country’s infrastructure, notes Oliver.  After reviewing the evidence and the failed attempts to solve the problem, Oliver’s team ends with a solution of sorts. He delivers a trailer for a blockbuster movie starring Steve Buscemi and Edward Norton that hits the problem of routine maintenance head on.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Infrastructure (HBO):

Photo credits:
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse 1940

(Yes, the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse was an issue of design not routine maintenance, but it’s a cool picture of imperiled infrastructure nevertheless.)