— When Worlds Collide is a University of Leeds MOOC on environmental policy. Even if you are not interested in the topic, check this out:

The first applications of new media — books, movies, television, radio, textbooks — often mimic previous media. Early MOOCs emulated university classes.
But, most people who take MOOCs are not interested in emulating a university class or getting university credit.
Interesting new formats are created every day. For example, in streaming media Netflix deviated from the standard TV format with its 13-hour drama House of Cards while the University of Leeds has departed from the university-course format in this 8-hour short course.
What other forms will the MOOC take?
For, I’m Larry Press.
Based in Los Angeles, Larry Press is a founding senior editor covering tech here He’s also a professor of information systems at California State University at Dominguez Hills. Check his Google+ profile — he’s at +Larry Press — or email him at