It’s Fantastic with Tony Danza and Schmoyoho (video pick)

Written by Gina Smith

Here’s our video of the week. It’s from Schmoyoho and Tony Danza, a wild, dancing promo for HitRecord. Oh, It’s Fantastic. That’s its name. The video. Loving it. — The guys at Schmoyoho put together the following video on Tony Danza, dancing bananas, time machines and unicorns. There’s a point to this, as you’ll see in the video. But I don’t want to ruin it for you. The name of the video is: Oh, It’s Fantastic. And it is — that’s why it’s our video of the week. Oh, It’s Fantastic with Tony Danza and Schmoyoho is below. Nice.

Video: Schmoyoho YouTube Channel

Looking forward to the debut episodes of HitRecord coming up January 19, 2014. For, I’m Gina Smith.

Gina Smith is the New York Times best-selling author of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak’s memoir, iWoz Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer and Had Fun Doing It (W.W. Norton, 2005/2007/2012). With John C. Dvorak and Jerry Pournelle, she is the editorial director at Email her at, check out her Google + stream here or follow her @ginasmith888.


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