Back to School Spending: By the Numbers

Written by Gina Smith

Last year Deloitte asked Americans what they bought in the back to school season. The answers are a good predictor of how back to school spending looks now.

aNewDomain — Last year, Deloitte asked 1,000 Americans about what they bought before school to started. The survey revealed back to school spending habits in detail. The infographic below serves as a pretty good predictive guide for the 2014-2014 school year, which begins in most states in mid to late August. Here are the surprising and not-so-surprising stats.

Infographic: Deloitte, via

What’s changed since you were in school? For me, it’s that back to school spending overwhelmingly takes place at Walmart and other discount stores — not Publix or Walgreens — and that today’s students are more influenced by other kids than they are by TV, supply-wise at least. Wish I’d listened to someone before I bought that dreaded Mr. T lunchbox. But that’s a long, sad story for another time …

For, I’m .

Gina Smith is The New York Times bestselling author of Apple founder Steve Wozniak’s biography, iWoz: How I Invented the Personal Computer and Had Fun Doing It (Norton, 2006/2014). She also is founder and editorial director here at aNewDomain. Email her at, follow her @ginasmith888 and find her posts on Google+ at her +Gina Smith page.