Video streaming in the enterprise? It's a matter of balance. Here's GILAD DAVID MAAYAN with tips to fit your organization's cloud, on-prem or hybrid...
Author - Gilad David Maayan
How To Run Kubernetes on VMWare the Right Way: Challenges, Fixes and Tips
There are lots of advantages to running VMware with Kubernetes, but there are challenges, too. Here's GILAD DAVID MAAYAN with the solutions and tips...
So You Want to Go Cloud-Native? Here’s How To Gear Up
Going cloud-native makes infinite sense. But where do you start? Here's GILAD DAVID MAAYAN with a roadmap for you ...
Threat Hunters: Your Enterprise Needs Them. Here’s Why
Passive security no longer cuts it. Here is GILAD DAVID MAAYAN on how you can introduce threat hunters to your enterprise now
Responsive Images 101: What You Need To Know Now
Responsive images provide users with images that are optimized for their resolution. Here’s what you need to know about how to use them...
DevOps: Six Best Practices in the Hybrid Cloud
What's the optimal way to implement DevOps in a hybrid cloud environment? GILAD DAVID MAAYAN has six best practices for you
Six Ways AI is Transforming Digital Marketing
There are tons of good reasons to make AI part of your digital marketing efforts. Here are six of the best
DevSecOps: Seven Tips for DevOps Security
How do you develop and release software fast and furiously but still keep it all secure? Here's how to turn your DevOps shop into a DevSecOps shop.
How To Use Azure Backup and Still Keep Costs Down and Performance High
Got a hybrid cloud? Need to keep at least some data on-prem for compliance purposes? Here's GILAD DAVID MAAYAN with the hows and whys of Microsoft...
Cybersecurity 2019: Top Five Threats, Top Five Tools
Cybersecurity threats loom larger and get more expensive every year. Here's GILAD DAVID MAAYAN with this year's top five cybersecurity threats and...
Last Mile Delivery: What You Need To Know Now
From crowdsourced delivery to robots, last mile delivery tech is disrupting everything. Here's what savvy investors and developers need to know now.
Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration: Avoiding the Obstacles
Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQ is challenging. Here's what you need to know to make sure it all goes down smoothly.
How To Automate EBS Snapshots in AWS
New to Amazon Web Services? Here's what you need to know about automating EBS snapshots in AWS. By GILAD DAVID MAAYAM
Software Composition Analysis: What, Why and How
Here's what you need to know about Software Composition Analysis now