Small Changes That Could Make the Workplace More Fun

Written by Brian Wallace

Part of having a successful business is having a happy one. If you were to run a business where all of your staff members hated their job, there is a good chance it would not be a productive working environment. Keeping people happy is one of your responsibilities as a business owner. Doing this is going to lead to more positive work on a regular basis, as well as better teamwork. 

This is why you should always be listening to your staff members. Asking them for feedback and what can be improved in the office is really going to lead to a lot of benefits. You could be surprised by how small changes can really help to boost your team. If you want to take some initiative and make some changes to a more fun workplace, then this is a fantastic idea. If you are looking for some suggestions, then listed below are things that can be incorporated into a lot of different workplaces. 

Having Coffee Available 

You wouldn’t find it hard to find someone who really looks forward to their coffee to get them through the day. After all, when a lot of people hear the word ‘work’, there is a good chance they associate it with the word ‘coffee’. This is why you should consider being able to supply your staff with their caffeine needs. Investing in a coffee machine doesn’t have to be overly expensive, and it is something that could be massively appreciated by your team. 

Another viable option for getting coffee into the office could be to check out Starbucks bulk order gift cards. You can then make it a monthly event to give out these gift cards to the hardest workers in the office. Not only is this going to add a lot of fun to the week, but it also shows how much you appreciate your staff. 

Lunchtime Activities 

When people are at work, they really need the chance to reset on their lunch. Working for continuous hours throughout the day is enough to take it out of anyone. This is why it is a good idea to give your staff something to do other than just eat. Giving them activities to enjoy can really give them the break that they need. This can then lead to them having a more productive second part of the day. Some ideas that you might want to invest in include a pool table, video game console, or even just a TV with streaming accounts available. 


Music is something that can really help almost any business. Of course, you need people to be able to concentrate a lot of the time during their work. However, in common areas where people are not hard at work, having some music playing can lead to a much better atmosphere. This can mean that even a walk to the toilet could help to boost your mood and get your energy going. If you want to have music in the office for people to enjoy while they are working, why not consider creating a quiet area of the office where those who need to go onto calls or concentrate can head to? Alternatively, you could give out headphones so people can listen as and when they like.