5 Things Businesses Can Do to Improve Digital Accessibility

Written by Brian Wallace

Digital technology has never made digital accessibility more critical for businesses to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities than it is today. Unfortunately, many businesses remain unclear on how they can ensure maximum digital accessibility with their offerings. This article will discuss strategies in this blog post to achieve maximum digital accessibility for the products you offer.

Utilize Accessibility Tools Like Screen Readers

As businesses strive for online success, having an accessible website is crucial. There are over 2 billion people with visual impairments worldwide; therefore, it’s critical that websites optimize for all visitors, including those who are visually impaired. Screen readers provide an effective solution; they convert text on webpages into audio for visually impaired visitors and help create an inclusive and welcoming online community by making information more easily understood by all. Including accessibility tools in the design processes of websites will create an equitable community online. You can look up what works well at Top 5 Accessibility and other sites. This will help you see what’s on the market and what works.

Provide Alternate Text Descriptions for Images, Videos, and Audio

Individuals who are visually impaired or have other physical limitations that impede viewing images, videos, or audio files must rely on alternative text descriptions as a form of accessibility for media types they cannot see directly – images, videos, or audio files – in order to access these media types. By including descriptive language in text form, they can receive equal content as any other individual accessing the site. Text descriptions should be accurate yet brief to accurately convey what the media represents and make all individuals inclusive regardless of ability level – so work towards increasing accessibility and inclusivity across media types!

Use Legible Font Styles and Sizes, with Ample Color Contrast for Optimal Legibility

With so much data thrown your way every day, it’s essential that designers prioritize legibility in their work. Font style, size, color contrast and legibility all play key roles in making information accessible to everyone. Achieving this balance can be challenging, but experienced designers know exactly what it takes. Ensuring there’s enough contrast between background and text can make or break whether users engage comfortably with content – work to prioritize legibility to ensure information reaches everyone.

Create Accessible Forms by Labeling Fields Appropriately and Providing Instructions

Accessibility is of utmost importance when creating online forms, from labeling the fields clearly so all users can identify what information is required to providing instructions for filling each field (from name or address fields to more complex dropdown menus or checkbox lists). By adhering to best practices for form creation, all users have equal access to your resources – and that’s an advantage for everyone involved!

Test Your Website Regularly to Identify any Potential Accessibility Issues

With increasing awareness of digital accessibility, websites must ensure they’re easily accessible for all users regardless of disability. Regular testing of your website to identify and address potential accessibility issues is therefore necessary; by taking preventive steps such as testing regularly, you can ensure content on your website is perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for all visitors, thereby improving their user experience and thus increasing sales. Don’t wait for problems to appear before testing regularly to make your website accessible for everyone!