Ted Rall: Hairgate and the Apple iPhone 6

ted rall
Written by Ted Rall

Now people say the Apple iPhone 6 pulls out their hair. What’s next? It’s Hairgate. Oh, the outrage. Ted Rall cartoon.

aNewDomain commentary — So now the complaint is that the Apple iPhone 6 pulls your hair out. What’s next? It’s decapitation — Apple iPhone 6 style.

ted rall apple iPhone 6

ted-rall-isisFor aNewDomain, I’m Ted Rall.

Based in New York, Ted Rall is a syndicated columnist, political cartoonist and war correspondent — and senior commentator here at aNewDomain. A Pulitzer Prize finalist, Ted has recently published his latest book>, After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You Back As Honored Guests: Unembedded in Afghanistan, which is available now. Follow Ted @tedrall and via his page on Google +

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