How to Brew That Perfect Cup of Coffee [infographic]

cup of coffee featured starbucks
Written by Gina Smith

Coffee is delicious. Here’s 38 ways to brew the perfect cup of coffee.

aNewDomain — Coffee is one of the time-tested, fool-proof ways to wake up in the morning. It’s also delicious. But knowing how to craft your own perfect cup of coffee can be complicated — not rocket science or anything, just a matter of timing, ingredients and dedication. The infographic below has 38 tasty ways to brew your cup of joe, so get ready for a caffeine buzz. I mean, you have to try them all, right?

38 ways to make a perfect cup of coffee infographic

38 Ways to Make a Perfect Coffee infographic via FollyGraph and

For, I’m .

Featured image: Long Black Coffee by Katherine Lim via Flickr