On Nov. 11, 2011, we launched aNewDomain.
Led by former BYTE editor-in-chief Gina Smith, legendary BYTE columnist Jerry Pournelle, tech columnist John C. Dvorak and 75 other veteran journalists and editors, we set about trying to create a truly independent site for any experienced, credential journalist who wished to post their stories — without fear that advertisers or other corporate interests would get in the way.
Six years later, we’re still at it.
Today’s aNewDomain still caters to the smartest audience of the world. But now we deliver the top tech leaders, influencers and innovators who make up our core audience news, views and commentary on other topics they care deeply about. That mean politics, science, movies, music and games, as well as emerging areas like AI and robotics, space tech, augmented reality, virtual reality, nano medicine, quantum computing and autonomous vehicles.
We pride ourselves on our great reporting, of course.
But what we really try to do is deliver deep, one-of-a-kind coverage and perspective. To put it another way, we geek out on just about everything.
Contact our EIC Gina Smith at gina@anewdomain.net if you want to write, edit or create video or other rich content for us. We are always looking for new blood.
Got a comment, criticism, correction or beef? We want to hear from you, too.
Do take a sec to check out the 145 veteran journalists, producers, artists, editors and cartoonists who contribute to these pages. Click here to check out our ethics policy — and here for our takedown notice and other relevant information.
Thanks for stopping by aNewDomain and our sister sites RobotRepublic, BreakingModern, SkewedNews and upcoming spacetech and culture magazine, DeepSpaceJournal.
Let us know how we’re doing, won’t you?
- The Editors.