Five Percent of US Doctor Visits End in Misdiagnosis [infographic]

misdiagnosis in the US infographic
Written by David Michaelis

Five percent of all U.S. doctor visits end in misdiagnosis, a study says. Here are the dangers, plus tech solutions that could make a real difference.

aNewDomain — Each year in the U.S. some 12 million adults who seek outpatient medical care are misdiagnosed, according to a study in the BMJ Quality & Safety Journal. That’s one out of 20 adult patients. And in half of those misdiagnosed cases, fully five percent of U.S. patient visits, there’s a potential for real harm.

The most common misdiagnosed signs in a medical exam are coughing, shortness of breath and abdominal pain. Here’s how next gen tech might make a difference, below.

misdiagnosed Misdiagnosis-in-the-US-Infographic

Misdiagnosis in the U.S. infographic:

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Doctors with Patient: by Seattle Municipal Archives via Flickr