Apple iTunes 25B Milestone, Netflix House of Cards: Yet Another Tech Show

Netflix House of Cards launches and Apple hits 25B mark in music downloads in iTunes. It’s Yet Another Tech Show with our Ant Pruitt, Larry Press, Mat Lee and Mike Rothman. — It’s the latest episode of the explosive Yet Another Tech Show (YATs) with our tech evangelists Mat Lee, Ant Pruitt, Larry Press and Mike Rothman. We back at the top tech news of the week, including the Netflix House of Cards TV series premiere. This Netflix move is a step toward changing the way studios offer content to masses?

Also this week, Apple reps said its Apple iTunes store saw its 25 billionth music track download. Apple, despite word of its faltering of late, definitely sets the standard for music distribution. That’s the vision the late Apple co-founder and CEO Steve jobs held so near.

Sit back and enjoy another episode of YATS. It’s Yet Another Tech Show!
Yet Another Tech Show

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