How to Use Auto Awesome in the Wild, Animated GIFs

Here’s how to use the auto awesome Google Photos feature to animate GIFs from multiple, similar photos. Our contributor, Google engineer Richard Hay, tried it out for himself at the Maker Faire 2013 …. pretty cool. — So I uploaded pictures I took at Maker Faire 2013 in San Mateo, CA  and, along the way, I discovered a couple of auto generated animated GIFs that incorporated a series of images I snapped of the same location.  Auto Awesome for Google Photos came out of Google I/O 2013. Here’s what I ended up with.

Example 1:  The Lego Windmill


I was trying to get a clean non-fuzzy picture of the windmill so I took multiple shots.  These were aggregated into an animation automatically and I like the result since it shows the activity around the booth, the mini blimp in the background, and the moving lego train that was moving here and there.

It does a good job of capturing the liveliness of the event.

So in the electronics pavilion they keep it dark, and there are many glowing exhibits to catch the eye.


This animation shows the changing LED display on the big wall and the lit disco dance floor that was adjacent to it.

This sequence also shows the activity of the event and some of the changing displays that were hypnotically alive when physically there.

Sure this is vicarious and not like being there.  But it does communicate something about what it is like to be there.

Hope you like them. For, I’m Richard Hay.

ED Disclosure: Richard Hay is a member of aNewDomain and also works at Google, but he is unaffiliated with the Google+ staff.

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