Freeware Friday: Write or Die 2

write or die freeware write or die 2
Written by Alison Maney

Can’t get started with that writing project? There’s nothing like fear to get you going. Write or Die 2 will scare you into writing for sure. Freeware Friday review.

aNewDomainalison-maney — Can’t get started with that writing project? There’s nothing like fear to get you going.

Write or Die 2 is freeware that will scare you into writing, sounding alarms whenever you pause too long. The app even lets you choose a nasty image to pop up on your screen — spiders, etc. — if you’re dawdling. To take away your ability to delete that, select “Disable Surrender” or “Typewriter Mode.”

The killer “Kamikaze Mode” will automatically start deleting your work if you’re too terribly slow. You know it if you need that kind of incentive.

Bottom line: With Write or Die 2, you essentially have a reason to race to the finish, with no brakes. No breaks. And you can make your incentive to finish as unmerciful as you think you need.

Turn off the sound if its many effects drive you nuts. They sound annoying when you pause, not to waste time, but to do necessary side research or real thinking. Or maybe you want that. Either way, Write or Die 2 is amazing if you just need to get all of your thoughts on paper fast. This app will definitely spur you on to do it.

That’s why Write or Die 2  is my choice today for Freeware Friday.

You can pay $20 for a pro version of Write or Die 2. It lets you host your own games and log stats. But you won’t need that if all you really require is a kick in the pants.

Most writers do. From time to time, anyway.

For aNewDomain, I’m Alison Maney.

Ed: Write or Die 2 was included in Alison Maney’s recent piece on aNewDomain’s BreakingModern, called Five Writing Tools To Fix Every Writing Problem. Check it out here.