Author - Ted Rall

Ted Rall: Respect Pooism Now! [toon]

From vaccinations against measles to some Muslims' assertion that no one should draw Mohammed, everyone says we should respect religion. But why...

Ted Rall: Why America Is So Over

On conservative and other justifications for US torture, our Ted Rall writes that America is done. Over. Here's why. aNewDomain political commentary.

How Not To Be a Monogamist

Ted Rall missed the age of free love, but that didn't stop him from researching the newest sexual revolution spreading around the U.S. Commentary.

Ted Rall Cartoon: Why We Are Doomed

Here's the latest Ted Rall cartoon. The focus is on Kickstarter, potato salad and what crowdfunding priorities say about us, the Internet and...

Ted Rall: The Study of Now

Instead of teaching kids chronologically, we should be teaching Nowology, says Ted Rall. What we need, he says, is the Study of Now. Commentary.

Ted Rall: Rules of War

If you're a typical country like Syria, the international community -- aka the United States -- gamed the arms control norms so you can't possibly...